VINCI Facilities carry The Baton of Hope through Manchester with support from Ward

On Thursday 29 June, James Coffey, Operations Manager at Ward, and Danny Nichols, Site Supervisor at one of our sites in Manchester, provided security for a team of people from VINCI Facilities to carry the Baton of Hope from Media City Salford to St Peters Square in Manchester.
Baton of Hope is designed to be the biggest suicide awareness and prevention initiative the UK has ever seen, opening necessary conversations, and prompting appropriate actions. The baton will tour UK towns and cities for two weeks during Summer 2023, raising the profile of this issue like never before.
The charity aims to change the way we talk about mental health and suicide, encouraging people to spot the signs and ask the right questions. It’s a fantastic initiative and we’re so pleased we got the opportunity to support it.
You can find out more information on the Baton of Hope and how you can help make a difference, here.