CSR, People

Team Ward completes the Kent and Medway Healthy Workplace October Challenge ‘Get Active, Feel Good’

During October, Team Ward took part in the Kent and Medway Healthy Workplace Challenge, ‘Get Active, Feel Good’, alongside five other Kent based businesses.

The aim of the ‘Get Active, Feel Good’ Activity Challenge was to remind us how staying active not only benefits our physical health, but our mental health too, with many studies showing how regular physical activity can help to improve our sleep, our mood, manage stress, and reduce our risk of developing depression by 30%.

All companies had a collective goal of 1.1 million activity points to complete, representing the approximate 11 million people in the UK who experience a common mental health condition in any given week. All activities completed, whether that’s walking, kickboxing, gardening, football or skydiving, counted towards the combined goal.

Team Ward are proud to finish this challenge in first position from the highest average activity points completed per person.

Well done to the 19 members of Team Ward who completed the challenge, and the other businesses who took part.

Abby Drysdale, Business Development Advisor and Team Captain, said “Team – I am so proud of each and every one of you for your dedication and commitment throughout October to log your points! Congratulations to everyone on our incredible success! I always knew we could do it, and I’m incredibly proud of you all. You all set an amazing example for everyone at the company.”

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