Ward Security Lends Support to Women’s Night Safety Charter

Ward Security has signed the Women’s Night Safety Charter in support of an initiative created by the Mayor of London to help women feel safer when travelling around London at night. The Charter is part of a broader strategy to help tackle violence against women and girls in London and while London is a safe city, it highlights the fact that many women still feel unsafe when travelling in the evening.
Signing the charter commits Ward Security to introducing more training and awareness within its team as well as highlighting ways in which its clients can also support the initiative.
Debbie Lawmon, Head of London and Ward Security’s internal champion for this initiative said “Many of our security officers are stationed front of house and as such, they are the watchful eyes and ears of what is happening on the ground in and around the premises they are securing. Very often our officers are the first people to see incidents happen and the first people the general public turn to if they are feeling unsafe or looking for help.
“The Women’s Night Safety Charter is an extremely important initiative to support. We understand that some of our female employees may feel uneasy at certain times of the day when travelling to and from work and we are keen to raise awareness of this initiative both internally as well as highlighting to our clients how we can all help make a difference and contribute to women feeling safer in London at night.”
For more information about the Mayor’s initiative and to sign up to the Charter visit www.london.gov.uk and to download a toolkit about the Good Night Out Campaign www.goodnightoutcampaign.org.